Welcome to Levelling the Playing Field’s Learning and Development Framework! Its aim is simple: to offer LtPF-registered organisations the right training for the right people in the right communities.
The LtPF Community of Practice have told us what they need – and we’ve responded by pulling together learning opportunities which we hope will help meet those needs. This framework (developed in partnership with the Welsh government) will develop a range of skills around supporting ethnically diverse children most effectively.
All the courses and resources listed below are offered free of charge (wherever possible) and as you'll see, they can be accessed at your leisure and at your own pace.
The list below - ‘Group 1: e-learning opportunities for all’ - consists of opportunities that are available for anyone working across sport and physical activity, health and criminal justice system (the cohort we’re calling ‘Group 1’).
There are five further groups (as shown in the above infographic) within the Learning and Development Framework, and resources for those groups are available to registered Levelling the Playing Field organisations only. These will be promoted internally through the LtPF Workplace platform (let us know if you’ve not yet registered as a user!).
Each of the groups is focused on specific roles of ascending levels of seniority within organisations, from delivery teams to senior managers and everyone in between. This will ensure that we offer support for everyone, in every organisation, to help them within their specific role and responsibility and help maximise the positive impact on ethnically diverse children. Areas of support include developing the sustainability of their organisations and fostering collaboration and sharing of knowledge across the LtPF Community of Practice.
LtPF Learning and Development Framework - Group 1, e-learning opportunities for all:
Family and Community Cohesion:
Resources/Toolkit: Strengths-based approaches - Care Act guidance | SCIE
Toolkit for Practitioners: Valuing youth diversion: A toolkit for practitioners | Centre for Justice Innovation
Accredited: e-Learning course on Youth Diversion Effective Practice Award - Introduction | Rise 360 (articulate.com)
Accredited: e-learning course on: Parental mental health and families e-learning course | SCIE
CPD Accredited e-learning: Introduction to Community Development Online Course | Alison
Resource: NASUWT | Community Cohesion
Diversity and Equality:
Resources: Getting On Board: Changing the Face of Trusteeship
Resources: Namira Islam Anani
Multiple Accreditation Courses: Free Courses (open.edu)
Training: Unconscious Bias: eLesson: Unconscious Bias (microsoft.com)
Accredited: Diversity: Diversity Training - Online Course (futurelearn.com)
Accredited: Professional Development on Equality and Social Development: Free Online Courses (alison.com)
Accredited: Short courses on wide variety of subjects: Free Courses (open.edu)
Accredited: iDEA Digital, Social Media and Professional Development: iDEA: Develop digital, enterprise social and employability skills for free. Win career-enhancing badges and gain internationally recognised awards
Network/Resource: EPALE - Multi-Language Adult Learning Platform: About | EPALE (europa.eu) (Free membership)
Mental & Physical Health and Wellbeing:
Resource: Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 Years On
Accredited/Certificated: Compassionate Integrity Training- Self-Directed Learning (CIT-SDL) Course – Living at Life University
Accredited: Psychological First Aid: CYP Psychological First Aid online course - FutureLearn
Resource: Active Practice Charter's Physical Activity Hub: Network of GP practices making positive changes to boost wellbeing
Resource: Evidence-based public health recommendations for children, adolescents, adults and older adults: WHO guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour
Resource: Physical Activity for Adults: Health matters: getting every adult active every day - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Resource: NHS Better Health Resources: Better Health - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Resource: NHS Every Mind Matters: Mental Health resources - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Resource: Health inequalities in the life course approach: Health matters: Prevention - a life course approach - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Resource: England Health: NHS England » Reducing health inequalities resources
Resource: Wales Health: Public Health Wales Observatory | Inequalities and inequities
Resource: Public Health Wales: How are you doing? Self-care and Covid-19
Resource/Toolkit: Clinical champions: Embedding physical activity into routine clinical care - Public health matters (blog.gov.uk) Free ‘social prescription’ resource: Human5 | Health and Wellbeing | Campbell Murdoch
Physical Activity and Sport:
Resource: Local Delivery - Putting it into Practice: Sport England
Resource: Uniting the Movement, Impact Measurement: Measuring impact | Sport England
Resource: Research and Insight | Sport Wales
Resource: UN - Sport for Development Recovery from Covid-19: Final-SDP-recovering-better.pdf (un.org)
Accredited: UK Coaching Retrain to Retain: Skills, Training and Targeted Support for Volunteer and Paid Coaches
Accredited: UK Coaching Physical Activity E-Learning Course: https://www.ukcoaching.org/iapelearning
Accredited: Sport for Development & Peace: Sport for Sustainable Development - Online Course - FutureLearn
Resource: Physical Activity and Sport, Impact Measurement: mind-mental-and-physical-activity-toolkit-guide-7.pdf
Research and Review: Independent Review of Sport in Justice (publishing.service.gov.uk) and Government Response: Government Response to the Independent Review of Sport in Justice (publishing.service.gov.uk)
The Criminal Justice System:
Toolkit for Practitioners: Valuing youth diversion: A toolkit for practitioners | Centre for Justice Innovation
Accredited: e-Learning course: Youth Diversion Effective Practice Award - Introduction | Rise 360 (articulate.com)
Resource: Ensuring effective referral into youth diversion: Effective Referrals into Youth Diversion.pdf (justiceinnovation.org)
Accredited: e-Learning courses on the Youth Justice System: Youth Justice Institute - Youth Justice System Courses
Resource: Youth Justice Board, Child First Approach: Child First Justice | Social and Policy Studies | Loughborough University (lboro.ac.uk)
Accredited: e-Learning on Adult Criminal Justice: From Crime to Punishment - Online Course - FutureLearn
Resources: HMPPS for reading about the Criminal Justice System in England and Wales: A Smarter Approach to Sentencing - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Resource: The Judicial System of England and Wales, a visitor’s guide: international-visitors-guide-10a.pdf (judiciary.uk)
Organisational Sustainability and Leadership:
NEW! Leadership: Systems Learning: Helping you deal with complexity and uncertainty. Online course
Leadership: Learn new skills for your career or business at a time that works for you: Skills To Go
Accredited: Leadership: Leading With Effective Communication (Inclusive Leadership Training) | edX
Accredited Courses (inc. Leadership and Growth): Distance Learning | Wiltshire College & University Centre
Accredited Courses & Online support (registration required): Online and Virtual Classroom training courses and qualifications. | Wiltshire College
Third Sector: Variety of podcasts on charity sector issues
Akala: Natives: Race & Class in the Ruins of Empire by Akala - Episode 1 - BBC Sounds
Prison Break: 'Prison Wife' Josie Bevan - BBC Sounds
Compassion and Integrity: Podcasts – Compassionate Integrity Training
Interview - The 23: Episode 19 - Locked up in Lockdown - James Thomas by The 23 • A podcast on Anchor
Simon Mundie on Sport and Life: BBC Radio 4 - Don’t Tell Me The Score
Sport, Physical Activity and Movement: Knowledge Centre – Aspire Active Partnerships
Raphael Rowe – Second Chance: Podcast - Raphael Rowe (raphael-rowe.com)
Rehabilitation, beyond the gate - short films: Straightline - your guide to life after prison | we are straightline
Growth Uncut: Personal Development and Growth: https://podtail.com/en/podcast/growth-uncut/
Multiple Prison Radio Podcasts: Best Prison Radio Podcasts (2021) (player.fm)
Multiple Prison Radio Podcasts: Prison Radio: the Podcast | Podcast on Spotify
Prison Radio Association Podcasts: Subscribe to The Forensic Psychology Podcast | Prison Radio Association
Leadership & Economics: Podcasts | Kate Raworth
*If you are aware of any further free online resources, training or accredited courses that can help LtPF organisations, please let us know. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. *
**Please keep coming back to this page, as we will be regularly adding new resources shared by the Community of Practice**