Levelling the Playing Field is delighted to offer free Compassionate Integrity Training (C.I.T) for staff at our local delivery partners . C.I.T . is a certified training programme for educators of all types ( teachers, mentors, youth workers, coaches and social workers) which develops a set of 10 skills , includ ing self-regulation , resilience, compassion for others and engagement with complex systems. The programme normally costs $250 per person but is offered to LtPF local delivery partners free of charge via a grant. It explores and cultivates each learner’s basic human values and discovers how best to use them “ for the purpose of increasing individual, social and environmental flourishing ” . Put simply, it develops a range of practical tools to get the most positive possible outcomes from the trickiest of situations we find ourselves in. This training offer is launched to coincide with LtPF’s Mentoring Month . It will be of great added benefit to staff across the project’s network of delivery partners who may also be engaging in our upcoming mentoring training, o r simply anyone working with their participants in the community or areas of work, during these challenging times. C .I.T was developed by Drs. Michael Karlin and Brendan Ozawa de Silva under the auspices of the Center for Compassion, Integrity and Secular Ethics (CCISE) at Life University in Atlan ta, Georgi a. The concept is based on cutting-edge developments in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, trauma-informed care, peace and conflict studies, and contemplative science. UNESCO/MGIEP , based in India, are among the large institutions actively partnering and promoting C.I.T. across the globe, as well as other partners like Think Equal , SEE Learning and the Charter For Compassion . “It’s a very practical course giving up-to-date information, science and tools to benefit our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing and that of others in our communities too,” says C.I.T.’s Education Lead, Shane O’Connor. “It covers topics like ethical mindfulness, common humanity, empathy, gratitude and forgiveness, interdependence and compassion.” C . I . T . is normally facilitated in 11 two-hour sessions covering the following topics: Foundational Concepts Series I: Self-Cultivation 1. Calming Body and Mind 2. Ethical Mindfulness 3. Emotional Awareness 4. Self-Compassion Series II: Relating to Others 5. Impartiality and Common Humanity 6. Forgiveness and Gratitude 7. Empathic Concern 8. Compassion Series III: Engaging in Systems 9. Appreciating Interdependence 10. Engaging with Discernment "Justin Coleman, Chief Operating Officer of the Alliance of Sport (who are supporting Levelling the Playing Field) said: “We are so grateful for the opportunity this training provides all our Levelling the Playing Field partners – it couldn't come at a more needed or more vital time. “As we all try to navigate the next phases of the journey through t he pandemic, doing this course will make that challenge easier. T hese valuable, evidence - based, practical tools and skills will benefit us all for years to come.” Read testimonials on Compassionate Integrity Training here. I f you’re interested in enrolling , please email Levelling the Playing Field Project Leader, Rudro Sen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Main photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash)